Robert’s Rules of Order

Robert’s Rules of Order is the standard for facilitating discussions and group decision-making.

Robert’s Rules make meetings meaningful. Those three words — making meetings meaningful — so clearly describe the most immediate benefit to learning and applying the principles of parliamentary procedure contained in Robert’s Rules.

Robert’s Rules provide guidance for most organizational functions, including

  • Establishing an organization and the rules that govern it
  • Presiding over and participating in organizational meetings, including making motions and debating those motions
  • Calling for and conducting elections within the organization

Robert’s Rules of Order set out the procedures and, yes, rules to follow for meetings that adhere to parliamentary procedure.

The full book of Robert’s Rules of Order is huge — some 750 pages! Shorter, more condensed versions are available and they will contain the more common rules.

But here is a 15-minute video that explains the basics of Robert’s Rules.